Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wow, time sure is slipping away!

Sure is, only five weeks until we’re due to leave, and I’m still trying to get Reds transmission serviced! There are so many things I had wanted to get done before this trip, I think it’s time to really pull my finger out and get moving!

Here’s a brief list of things I need to sort out before I head off:

-Get reds transmission fixed, it’s been playing up for a couple months now.

-Build new water carriers to go on the running boards, that’ll be an adventure in engineering ingenuity!

-Fit new mattress: I inherited a great old caravan mattress from a friend, just needs a little trim here and there to get it to fit snugly, no more 2000Km back pain!

-Storage: Red’s already missing the bottom part of his rear seats, I keep meaning to strip the backrest parts out too, just to have a little extra storage under the bed.

-Odd little fix-it jobs, ie, sometimes the rear window slips off its rollers and won’t wind down… I don’t feel like waking up trapped inside once we’re in the desert! A set of lights in the back are still just wired up with their temporary fixings, need to finish them off properly.

Well, I think that’s enough to keep me MORE than busy for the next five weeks! In that time I need to finish off a promo job I’ve been working on for a mates gym, not to mention all the other projects at home! I have decided, it’s not that there’s not enough hours in the day… there just aren’t enough days in the week!

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